3D Scanning
Eurocompositi is able to use one or more 3D scanners to acquire detailed information and obtain 3D files of produced parts for which specific information is not available. This capability allows us to address complex challenges related to the precise and accurate design and reproduction of existing components.
Furthermore, we have a specialized structured light body scanner that allows us to obtain a 3D image of a person's body while positioned on a bike. This technology enables us to accurately capture the dimensions and shape of the body, allowing us to create prosthetics or special bike components designed specifically to fit each athlete. Thanks to this advanced equipment, we are able to offer personalized solutions that maximize the comfort, efficiency, and performance of each individual.
The use of 3D scanners and structured light body scanners represents an important resource for Eurocompositi, allowing us to overcome the limitations imposed by traditional design information and create customized products that meet the specific needs of our clients. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology, we are able to guarantee unique and personalized solutions that improve the athlete's experience and offer optimal performance on the bike.